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You may consider getting a facial as something a little too fussy for the likes of your manly skin. The spa slippers, soothing music, and cucumber water might not appeal to you. We get it. But the real motivation to get your skin handled by the pros is the same reason you have a mechanic work on your car: They can do it better than you can.
Skin damage from your shave routine or the sun can’t be fixed with the soap and water you use every day. Redness fades, but the underlying problems don’t. In fact, probably more than the ladies, guys need facials, thanks to their coarser skin, larger pores, and increased chance of sun damage. (Oh yeah, we are usually more likely to skip out on using sunscreen, too.) Consider this the 3-point case for treating your face to a facial.
1. Men Produce More Oil
“In general, men have higher testosterone levels than women, which helps explain why men produce more oil,” says Dr. Joshua Zeichner, director of Cosmetic and Clinical Research in Dermatology at Mt. Sinai Hospital. When not cleaned properly, oil will clog your pores and can lead to blackheads, which can lead to pimples. Most aestheticism will perform extractions during a facial, which is the very precise removal of oil and dirt that’s clogging pores. Do this yourself at home and risk serious skin damage, but in the right hands, the result is clean, clear skin.
Just because men produce more oil doesn’t mean all men have oily skin. Part of the reason facials are so effective is that estheticians understand your skin type and its needs. For dry skin types, you’ll need a facial that leaves your skin hydrated and moisturized. “If you have oily skin, you will need a facial that decreases your shine, shrinks your pores and exfoliates your skin,” says Santa Monica-based dermatologist Ava Shamban.
2. You'll Get a Smoother Shave
Whether it’s everyday or every two weeks, the continuous dragging of a razor across sensitive facial skin can cause irritation. Razor burn, inflammation, and irritation from shaving over pimples are common consequences of shaving, says Dr. Zeichner. A facial will deep clean bumps and soothe irritated skin. The combination of exfoliation, essential oils, masks, and moisturizers that an estheticians typically applies will address shaving’s side effects and make your skin smoother than ever. The smoother your skin, the better and less painful your shave. Even if you aren’t worried about wrinkles, this is one of the best reasons to slap on some moisturizer once or twice a day.
3. The Pros Can Teach You
According to Dr. Shamban, estheticians use better, more effective products that aren’t sold over the counter. They can show you new techniques on how to apply products, the order in which to use them, and explain why. Chances are, you’ll be relaxed and if you want to check out, fine. But you can use this opportunity to ask questions. “What are you putting on my face?” “Why is that product going on first?” Estheticians also use professional steamers to open your pores. It’s better than sticking your head over a pot of boiling water...which we know you aren’t doing, right.